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Name: Sunny
Mobile: +86-18875685250
Add: Economic and Technological Development Zone,Bazhou,Langfang,Hebei,China


push pull rods

push pull rods push pull rods push pull rods
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  • the flexible rods are made of non-magnetic fiberglass with a polypyrene coating
  •  Ideal for running multi-purpose cable behind walls, up through crawl spaces, and under floors.
  • Perfect for every hard-to-reach place!
  • Non-metal/non-conductive bright yellow polypropylene coated rods protect delicate wires.
  • Easily connected rods offer controlled flexibility.
  • Faster and easier than old-fashioned electrical fish for running cable. Now you can push or pull cable inside or outside of conduit.
  • 4mm or 6mm diameter are both available. provide OEM order(accept any rods length and quantity in one set )